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The Junior Police Officers Division (JPO Division) of the Personnel Wing and Police Regions launched a series of Probationary Inspector (PI) Selection Sharing Workshops recently. The workshops aimed to give support to mentees of the "Development Programme for Junior Officers with Potential" in preparing for the PI selection process, and boost their confidence and competitiveness for career advancement.

The first round of five workshops were held in the second quarter this year with a focus on Extended Interview. Over 100 mentors and mentees participated in the workshops. They practised different parts of the Extended Interview, including Impromptu Talk, Management Exercise and Leadership Exercise, with valuable feedback from an ex-Extended Interview Director. The workshops enabled the participants to better understand their deficiencies and areas for improvement with a view to making better preparation for the selection process. They were particularly thankful to the speakers for the constructive feedback on the written exercise and mock interviews. All the participants found the workshops very useful.

The JPO Division and the Regions will co-host another round of workshops on Final Interview Board. Interested officers are welcome to join as a mentee of the Development Programme and participate in the next round of the workshops. For details, please refer to the webpage of the JPO Division.

Officers join a mock management exercise
Officers join a mock management exercise