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The Operations Wing of Kowloon West (KW) launched a pilot scheme on Self-reporting Service at Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station and Mong Kok Police Station in June to support the Force's Strategic Direction of "Embracing the use of technology for policing in the digital age".

KW Region handled about 240 000 reports in 2018 and the majority of the non-emergency cases were reported by informants in person at report rooms. This led to an increase in the waiting time for the informants as well as the workload of report room staff.

With the launching of the pilot scheme, tablet computers are provided in the report rooms for the informants to access the e-Report Centre to make non-emergency report such as lost property, nuisance complaints and illegal parking. KW hopes this would shorten the waiting time for the informants and enable report room officers to handle more urgent cases, thereby enhancing the quality of service.

Tablet computers are provided in report rooms for informants to access the e-Report Centre
Tablet computers are provided in report rooms for informants to access the e-Report Centre