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Tsuen Wan District (TWDIST) held a mental health seminar under its Supporting Front Line Series on September 12 to increase officers' understanding of the importance of mental health.

Police Clinical Psychologist from the Psychological Services Group, Ms Lai Hiu-wai, was invited to talk about emotional reactions to people with different opinions. She also reminded the attendees to avoid prolonged use of electronic gadgets that might affect their health. Furthermore, she gave tips on how to relax their minds and led the attendees to do breathing exercises to help them relax.

The attendees enthusiastically raised questions during the question-and-answer session. Ms Lai answered all the questions to help them build healthy lives.

Ms Lai Hiu-wai (first left) gives a mental health seminar to TWDIST officers
Ms Lai Hiu-wai (first left) gives a mental health seminar to TWDIST officers
TWDIST Commander Kerry Carew (left) presents a certificate of appreciation to Ms Lai Hiu-wai
TWDIST Commander Kerry Carew (left) presents a certificate of appreciation to Ms Lai Hiu-wai