Got something to say? E-mail (, phone, fax or write a letter to Editor OFFBEAT and say it. We're here for you.
NOTE: OFFBEAT will not publish feedback sent anonymously. However, we will withhold names and addresses on request.

Abrogation of "Right to Silence"


The article entitled "Abrogation of 'Right to Silence' for Police Officers in Non-Criminal Investigations" in issue 634 of OFFBEAT sounds superficially unfair. To level the playing field the Force should consider offering officers who find themselves the subjects of a "non-criminal investigation" free legal advice, say from the Legal Department, to ensure that they only say what they mean to say.

Yours faithfully
Roger Houghton
for Central Claims Services

"A big thank you to Mr Traffic Policeman, KW"


In the oven hot afternoon of July 1, while I was accompanying the Director-General Civil Aviation of Belgium (a guest of honour at the Airport Opening Ceremony and a great fan of airplanes) to Signal Hill above Kowloon Tsai Park, both my chauffeur and I got lost.
While trying to figure out the exact way to the entrance of the park, I met my guiding light, a for gei patrolling the area on his iron horse. He led us to a small road on the other side of the hill saving my guest (who promised to carry me uphill if I was exhausted) and me (wearing high heels) from having to make the climb.
That afternoon was memorable as it was a final chance to view planes landing and taking off at Kai Tak Airport.
Once again, my heartfelt thanks to Mr Traffic Policemen, KW.

EO on special duty

Flying smarter


I have just submitted a file requesting permission for funding to enable an overseas witness to come to Hong Kong to give evidence in a District Court trial.
As required, I had to obtain a quote from Jardines for the flight and I was astonished to be told that the return flight from London was nearly $16,000. I compared this with a friend who used another reputable travel agent and for the same flight had to pay less than $5,000.
Is the Force contracted (by CSRs or other regulations) to use Jardines to book such flights? If so, Force management should approach the government to amend the applicable CSR/regulation so that we can use legitimate and cheaper travel agents to arrange such flights.
In these days of financial constraint and turmoil, I am sure the taxpaying public would appreciate better fiscal management from the Force - especially when it is available.

Economically Aware

Singing in the shower? Wai! Wai!

APPARENTLY some Force members have come up with a way of marrying two of Hong Kong's favourite pastimes - talking on mobile phones and practising their karaoke skills in the shower.

Recently CTE-COMMS sent the following to all Force Mobile Radio Telephone holders:

"It has come to my notice that a Force Mobile Radio Telephone (FMRT) was damaged and recommended for BOS due to an operational need for an officer to keep the equipment with him even when he takes a shower or is in the bathroom.

Since there is no showerproof nor waterproof mobile phone yet available on the market, may I ask that all FMRT holders provide an appropriate level of protection to the equipment that is commensurate with the operational environment."

Crazy Caption Contest

Write a caption (in English or Chinese) to this photo and win $150 if it's chosen. Entrants should fax their crazy caption, name, Force details and daytime phone number now to: OFFBEAT Crazy Caption Contest.

Entry is open only to Hong Kong Police Force personnel - who are also welcome to send OFFBEAT photographs they would like our readers to write a crazy caption for.

(Remember, winners should send OFFBEAT receipts with their name, UI and ID Numbers so that reimbursement can be made through their bank accounts).

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