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Two-pronged strategy to boost communication

Attitude changes and enhancement of the internal Police communication system will spearhead a new Force strategy, set for launch.

Deputy Commissioner (Management) Dick Lee Ming-kwai said the two-pronged Force Internal Communication Strategy would improve communication systems and practices while instilling a positive attitude towards them. He said such an attitude would remove barriers and gain staff support and commitment in achieving Force objectives. Mr Lee said the Strategy's development took in consultancy research and the findings of several staff surveys. The first draft was circulated extensively for comments and follow-up interviews were conducted to ensure representative views.

"The Strategy has been made to accommodate meaningful feedback, and the response received suggests that attitude change is the key to enhancing communication in the Force and clearly staff expect more personal attention, support and encouragement," Mr Lee said.

"However, improvement cannot be achieved by the voluntary contribution of a few individuals. It requires the involvement of everyone."

Mr Lee stressed officers at all levels had to accept their respective communication roles and responsibilities, clearly spelt out in the Strategy.

"All supervisory officers, in particular, should take the lead by setting a personal example."

He said Force Management was committed to making the Strategy work, and in the coming months its content would be made available Force-wide through various channels and training forums. An action plan would also be formulated with short and long-term objectives.

"The Strategy's success will hinge on Force members' awareness of the importance and benefits of internal communication, their acceptance of their roles and responsibilities in this, and finally in their taking of proactive action to communicate.

"We should not assume the situation will automatically improve once the Strategy is put in place - it will take time to instil a positive attitude throughout the Force. The Steering Committee will oversee the implementation of the Strategy, co-ordinated by Service Quality Wing.

"In addition to the established feedback mechanism, including the Staff Relations Report, Staff Opinion Survey and Management Survey, Senior Management will monitor the progress and effect of the Strategy through their contacts with frontline officers."

Better communication and understanding would harness enthusiasm and initiative to achieve better results, Mr Lee added. It could also minimise misunderstandings, help better relationships and contribute to a harmonious working atmosphere.

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