Unlocked Secrets

Where Have All the HoneyBees Gone?

Colony collapse disorder is a phenomenon in which honey bees are disappearing mysteriously in a massive scale. Scientists while still scratching their heads are working against the clock to figure out the reasons for this anomaly. It may be attributable to a number of potential hazards jeopardising the well-being of the honey bee colony. These probably include bacterial, viral and fungal infection, pests and parasites, pesticides, and perhaps radiation emitted from our mobile phones and wireless communication towers too.

So just how important are honey bees to human and all life on Earth? In fact, they are far more crucial than what you may think in the interconnected ecosystem of the planet Earth. Bees are required to pollinate flowering plants for reproduction and without them, the growth of agricultural crops are compromised. Food supply will therefore be hindered. Not only the lives of the world’s population, but also those of all creatures, are at stake.

Although we are not scientists, there are many things that we can do to help revitalise the honey bee population. It all comes down to respecting them and the ecosystem that we all live in. For example, you can buy organically grown product that is free from artificial pesticides as much as possible. Spread the word to encourage your friends to do so too.

Moreover, you can grow bee-friendly flowers organically at home. If your home has a rooftop or a garden, you can even consider keeping bees. Unlike wasps, bees are non-aggressive insects and rarely sting unless their lives are threatened. Last but not least, you can take the opportunity to sign petitions to discourage the use of pesticides harmful to bees when you come across one.


JPC Monthly Newsletter
Editor: Police Public Relations Branch, 11/F Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, No. 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, HK.
Tel: 2860 6157
Fax: 2200 4304
JPC homepage: http://www.hkpjpc.org.hk
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