What will you do during the Easter holiday? Go on a trip? Or stay at home? I have planned ahead and it is going to be a busy one.

First, I will spend a few days to finish my homework and do revision. As a Form Five student, it is time for me to prepare for the HKDSE. I will take extra courses and do some past papers.

Then I will go camping. I love camping very much as it can develop our self-management skills. It also brings people closer to the nature.

Finally, since I will have my birthday during the Easter holiday, I will celebrate with my friends and take a break from the stressful study.

This is how I plan for my Easter holiday. How about you? I hope everyone can allocate their time efficiently and enjoy their holiday too.
(Ms CHUNG Sze-wing, JPC member of Yuen Long District)


JPC Monthly Newsletter
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