



One of my goals for the next school term is to get satisfactory results in all my school examination papers. These include Mathematics, English, Physics, Biology and Chemistry. Last year, I did not do very well, nor did I meet my own expectations.

So this year, in order to reach my expectations, I have decided to change something. One of the things I am going to do differently is to start revising earlier so that I would not panic the night before the examinations. The second thing I am going to do is to write and revise with my own notes , because I can learn better with the summarised notes. The third thing I am going to do differently is making a timetable for myself and organising the time of revision for each subject. I personally think that making a timetable helps me organise my time more efficiently and ensures I do not waste time.

I hope that I will get better marks in the next school term and reach my expectations.


JPC Monthly Newsletter
Editor: Police Public Relations Branch, 11/F Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, No. 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, HK.
Tel: 2860 6157
Fax: 2200 4304
JPC homepage: http://www.hkpjpc.org.hk
Police homepage: http://www.police.gov.hk


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