



The mermaid is known as a siren of the sea with the upper body of a female human and a paddle-shaped tail. These humanoid creatures have been chronicled by the world over. A documentary programme was produced by an international television network, claiming to show evidence that mermaids are real.

The programme posited that humans may have evolved from aquatic mammals, a hypothesis based on the aquatic ape theory. The theory tries to explain the origins of many humankind’s unique traits, such as hairless bodies to make us more streamlined for underwater movement, webbing between our fingers and toes, and our layers of subcutaneous fats to make for better insulation in water.

In fact, the stories of the mermaid sightings exist throughout history. The Vikings recorded their encounters with mermaids while exploring the ocean. The Chinese witnessed them uring their great period of maritime explorations. Tales were transcribed in medieval manuscripts. People from different continents without any contact with one another all have the same stories describing the mystic creature. Do you believe that the mermaid is more than just a myth?


JPC Monthly Newsletter
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