


This year has marked the third year of "Fight Crime and Racial Harmony Fun Run" event organized by Kwun Tong Police district and Kwun Tong Junior Police Call (JPC) Honorary Presidents Council, with an aim of disseminating fight-crime messages among citizens within the district, promoting healthy lifestyle and fostering racial harmony. The event attracted overwhelming responses from more than 400 runners comprising citizens from the district and JPC members.

Before dawn on November 12, all volunteers including JPC members, Senior Police Call members and Police Volunteer Team, arrived at the Tseung Kwan O Waterfront Park with excitement to start their preparation work for the run. The venue was soon teeming with runners reporting for attendance and getting ready for the run.

Tens of Non-Ethic Chinese (NEC) youths were invited to participate in the run, encouraged exchange between NEC and local athletes. The Kwun Tong District Commander Chief Superintendent Barry Smith and the chairman of Kwun Tong JPC Honorary Presidents Council, Mr Chan Kang, delivered opening remarks to kickstart the event. Races for the day included 2km and 4.4km individual and team events, as well as family races. All athletes went all out to strive for the best results. The event concluded successfully in joy and laughter.


 JPC Monthly Newsletter
  • Editor
  • Police Public Relations Branch, 11/F Arsenal House,
    Police Headquarters, No. 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, HK.
  • Tel
  • 2860 6157
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  • 2200 4304

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