


May 20, was a special day to me. I was a volunteer selling flags with my mother. I have sold flags for many times before. I recalled that during the first time I sold flags, I was scared to talk to strangers. But now, I have got used to it and can sell flags bravely on my own. I love flags selling so much because I can help people in need and I am so happy about that. Although flags selling can be tiring, I endeavoured to sell all of them and subsequently I did it! A lot of kind people bought the flags and I even saw a man buying a lot of them. I hope that more people will be fond of helping others and doing volunteering works, not just flags selling but also other works like visiting elderly homes, orphanages and so on. These works are meaningful and we should lend helping hands to others. Let us get rid of selfishness and show our kindness. I am thankful to have joined JPC. Had I not joined the JPC, I would not have had the chances of selling flags. I believe that there are a lot of people who have kind and caring hearts in Hong Kong. If I come across someone selling flags, I would definitely buy the flags from him with no hesitation. That day was such a meaningful, unforgettable and important day! I hope I can sell flags with my mother again very soon as I love doing volunteering work and sharing this joy with her so much!


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