


Having a worthwhile tour last year, I had my great pleasure to be invited as a speaker on July 12 to share my joy and pride with the police officers and the honorary presidents of JPC. Without any doubt, China’s Belt and Road Initiative has become an inevitable trend with implementation of certain policies, such as the infrastructural projects and the multilateral cooperation within different countries in the Eurasian "16 +1" Scheme. For instance, Russia has already built an unshakable strategic alliance with our nation since the last millennium. With the framework drawn by President Putin, they would also like to construct “The Siberian Economic Corridor” with the cooperation of China, Mongolia and other Eurasian countries. The city we traveled in, Blagoveshchensk in Eastern Russia, is currently a hub for Sino-Russian trade near Heilongjiang Province. With the building of the New Siberian Railway, it is believed that there will be substantial regional economic growth with a lower transportation cost; eventually improving the living quality of people.

Apart from the brief introduction for the destinations, I also shared the jobs we had done. Last year, we were divided into 4 groups and given 4 presentations respectively to train up ourselves and fulfill the training requirements before going to the destinations. Our group was responsible for "environmental friendliness" and we had to conduct researches on the related field to evaluate how the Belt and Road Initiative contribute to the promotion of sustainable development. During the tour, we interviewed managers of a furniture company to know about the latest trend of lumbering industry in China. They replied us that lumbering in Heilongjiang was banned and corporal social responsibility was the main mission they are concerned about. Moreover, a number of activities were done to improve the company’s image such as reforestation with the charity, showing their concern on the natural scenery and micro-climate.

All in all, the sharing reminded me the heydays in Heilongjiang and Blagoveshchensk for which we were the first visiting youth group in Hong Kong. I hope that newcomers can break the cultural and language barriers and treasure this precious learning opportunity as well as explore more in the infinite world.


 JPC Monthly Newsletter
  • Editor
  • Police Public Relations Branch, 11/F Arsenal House,
    Police Headquarters, No. 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, HK.
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  • 2860 6157
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  • 2200 4304

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