
It has been two years since my last visit to the Lion City of Asia, Singapore. I miss the Laksa noodles in the restaurants, the beautiful scenery at the Gardens by the bay, and most importantly, my very first group of foreign friends there.

Throwback to the January in 2015, there was an exchange tour organised by the JPC to Singapore. Four JPC leaders including me from the Shatin district were nominated to participate. We had a great time during that five days and four nights. We were introduced to the young leaders of the National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC ), an elite-developing organisation similar to JPC and in a larger and all-rounded scale. In that trip, I met four friends from the NPCC and they are Tricia, Apple, Celine and Enid. They are really friendly and enthusiastic. A big and warm welcome was extended by the time we first met one another. At that time, we spent days to get along with those new friends through different activities. We visited their training center, the Home Team Academy, we had a little taste on the marksmanship training. It was an exciting experience for me to hold the real gun and shoot the target in meters with bullets! Furthermore, they acted as our tour guide to show us around the city in Singapore. We got hours to chat with each other and shared our cultural differences in every way.

After two years, when I come back to this city again, I met another group of NPCC students, they were younger, but still as passionate like Tricia and Apple. I found that these young leaders in Singapore are most active and mature. Since both the Singapore government and the Singapore police has been making great efforts on providing assistance and subsidies to the NPCC, students, junior and senior leaders can all enjoy various training experience in diversity. For examples, during last month's exchange tour, we JPC members, had a chance to attend a lecture with the NPCC members, which brought me the most remarkable day. We were taught to trace of bloodstain and how to distinguish whether a victim committed suicide or was murdered. There were even case study for us to have immediate practice on the knowledge we had just learnt. Moreover, regular training is provided on how to investigate a crime scene and students had to act as a police officer and figure out which type of crime was committed. In conclusion, the training programmes in NPCC were practical and closely related to the daily work of police officers.

It was happy to have Tricia and others visiting us at our hotel. We chatted about new topics, career and future. One of them has become a police officer. She said the knowledge she gained from NPCC had successfully cultivated her into a positive and responsible policewoman. We also shared our lovely moments back then and discussed about our dreams. On the last day of the trip, they came to the airport and it was hard to say goodbye. I am really blessed to have this group of friends, I hope one day everyone of us can achieve what we want, stay happy and healthy. See you next time, Singapore.


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