


It is the last school term of my secondary school life. I have been achieving a lot of goals in my previous school terms, for example, leadership, volunteer services, and music achievements. In this new school term, without a shadow of doubt, I will do my utmost to get excellent academic result in pursuit of the admission to my favourite university.

In order to obtain good results from the public exams, I am going to spend my time in the studying room after school. I also form a study group with my classmates so that we can learn from each other. Whenever there is difficulty, we can discuss together and endeavor to find out solutions. We may explore something new during the process too. Besides, as I am weak in language subjects, I will read more passages so as to learn writing skills from others. Listening to the radio news more frequently can also improve my listening and speaking abilities. Last but not least, knowledge is like a sea. There is no end in learning. No matter our goal is about academy, sports or music, we should continue to get achievement every year.


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