


In this summer, there was a nine-day tour in East Europe to let us understand "The Belt and Road Initiative (B&R)" especially in the culture aspect. I am glad to have this chance to join the tour in which the Central District JPC provided us a lot of meaningful activities.

B&R is a hot issue in the recent years. One important point is that teenagers should catch up the opportunities from B&R either economically or in other aspects.

In the tour, the most memorable part was on day two. We went to Salzburg's police station in Austria and communicated with the local police. They introduced their organisation, daily duties and local culture to us. A souvenir was given by the police which is called "Mozartbonbon", a chocolate named by Mozart because Salzburg is the birthplace of his. Salzburg is famous for music where a lot of museums are located. We also visited Mozart Square surrounded by music and cultural atmosphere. In those shops in the streets, most products are related to Mozart and some are salt. We found that Salzburg was famous for its salt which was very valuable goods for them in the past, but now their economy has changed to the focus on music and tourism.

Experience is one of the best methods to understand and remember a place. If we want to get a chance from B&R, the first step is to explore ourselves. Chances are always there but for those who are well prepared.


 JPC Monthly Newsletter
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  • Police Public Relations Branch, 11/F Arsenal House,
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