There are students studying in the universities of Hong Kong, they become the victim of telephone deception. As a result, if you pay attention to relevant situation and information, you can significantly reduce the happening of telephone deception.

We would introduce a new method of the deceiver here: the criminal group will target the people randomly, and play a fake recording of delivery firms claiming that one of the victim’s packages was related to a criminal case then ask the victim to remit the money to a specific account to prove his innocence. After the deceivers succeeded, they might ask the victim to keep assisting the investigation, and they try to isolate him in a room and ask him to give his picture and not to answer the phone. Then, the deceivers will call the family of the victim telling them that the victim was kidnapped and asking for ransom. To prevent telephone deception, all you have to do is: pay attention to relevant news and keep calm while getting a doubted call.


 JPC Monthly Newsletter
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  • Police Public Relations Branch, 11/F Arsenal House,
    Police Headquarters, No. 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, HK.
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  • 2860 6157
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