

JPC Leader of Wong Tai Sin District


I am so thankful that I was given the opportunity to represent Junior Police Call and became one of the Youth Ambassadors in the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region programme. I cannot express how thankful am I to have the Commission On Youth and Home Affair Bureau organised the trip. I also participated in “Do It Yourself” projects which included mobile studio in various local communities and award ceremony for a smart phone film production to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of HKSAR, spreading family love and innovative ideas to the youths.

More importantly, I was delighted to participate in the two-way youth exchange tour with Irish youths. We exchanged cultures alongside with this year’s theme “Social Innovation and Youth Participation” and gained deep insights.


 JPC Monthly Newsletter
  • Editor
  • Police Public Relations Branch, 11/F Arsenal House,
    Police Headquarters, No. 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, HK.
  • Tel
  • 2860 6157
  • Fax
  • 2200 4304

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