


JPC Member of Wong Tai Sin
Mr WONG Po-man, Wilson


Being a police officer was my childhood dream. I never thought this could really come true until I passed out from Hong Kong Police College as an Inspector of Police on 23rd June 2018.

In Year 3 of my university life, I joined JPC in WTSDIST. I helped designing and holding of a game booth in JPC Summer Fight Crime Camp with JPC members. With the tremendous support from JPC members and PCRO staff, we won the 2nd runner-up in Game Booth Designing Competition.

The competition trained my leadership and communication skills, like how to lead and deploy the members to accomplish the task. This experience could enrich me for better preparation on applying the post of Inspector.

Life in Police College was challenging. It is true that "everything is difficult in the beginning". At the first night of training, I slept for only 2 hours as we needed to prepare our uniform and equipment. But with the support from classmates, we jumped over the hurdles one by one and eventually passed out together.

In the future, I will continuously work hard in Police Force and to serve the community with pride and care.



 JPC Monthly Newsletter
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