


JPC Advance Leader of Central District
Wong Tsz Tung


A new challenging semester begins and it will be the final year of my university life. The uncertainty about the future gave me the feeling of uneasiness. It reminds me the time in Kindergarten 3, Primary 6 and Secondary 6, facing new environments and challenges. However, changes make us grow stronger. The word “New” always brings people hope and commences another page of life. The most important thing is we need to learn how to step forward, make new plans, and set new goals.

Someone says school life would be the best memories in our life, so we should try more and learn more. The friendship with classmates, and the experiences gained from school activities and Exchange Program are irreplaceable. There is no return once we have left the college, so we should try more and enjoy more even the future is uncharted. Hope all of us will have an enjoyable and memorable school year.


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