

JPC Member of Kowloon City District
Ho Yan Ping


Good Day! Journal of A Fight-Crime Ambassador

Thanks to JPC, I could take part in this fabulous 8-day trip to Australia. It was my first time I had been to Australia and I was delighted to meet new friends throughout the journey. As the fight crime ambassadors, winners of the Hang Seng Bank – Help the Police Fight Youth Crime Competition 2018, we were invited to meet the local police and to visit various youth centres. The advanced technology demonstrated in the FETSC Laboratories in Sydney was particularly impressive. With the use of 3D imaging and model scanning, the collection of forensic evidence was more efficient and effective - all-rounded cameras were used to capture the crime scenes and the photos taken would be composed into a 3D map in first-person perspective, just like the Google Street View. As Hayden, one of the investigators mentioned, the system of 3D imaging could even automatically calculate the distance among distinct objects in the crime scene. How sophisticated it is!

After a 4-day stay in Sydney, our next station was Melbourne and we have had a great time at Victoria Police Academy. Located at one of the highest spots in Melbourne, the Academy provides training to those aspire to become part of the Victoria Police, just like the Hong Kong Police College. Operation training was demonstrated including the use of taser guns and target shooting. Other than formal visits, for sure we have got time to go sightseeing and meet the must-see friends - koalas and kangaroos! In day 7, we paid a visit to Zoos Victoria. There were plenty of animals ranging from sea creatures to predators. As an ailurophile (feline lover), meeting the snow leopard was the climax of the route. In a white fur coat with brownish tinges that is covered with rings of brown spots, wild snow leopard could only be found in high mountains. It was such a precious experience to meet it face-to-face.

I could never forget all the great time in Australia, the warm welcome of the police officers and the laughters we had throughout the entire journey. Love you all, Cheers!


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