


JPC Member of Kowloon City District
HO Yan-ping, Alva


Being a member of JPC since 2012, it was such a great honour to be granted the Gold Award for Volunteer Service 2018. My first time being a volunteer of JPC was in the Winter Visit Movement 2016 held by the Lok Sin Tong Society, in which I paid visit to the elderly in our community. It was so rewarding to witness the elderly’s smile and their sharing have taught us, the younger generation, a lesson as well. Since then I have been participating in various kinds of voluntary services such as Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children Flag Day, Ronald McDonald House Charity Raffle Ticket Sale, Mid-Autumn Visit Movement, and SAHK Voluntary Service Day.

For many young people, study and academic results might be their first priority. Yet, there is always something that could only be learnt outside classroom and beyond textbooks. Virtue and kindness are nurtured through the well-meaning interaction among people. Only if we step out our comfort zone could we experience the joy of helping others. Stop taking things for granted. It is time to start contributing to our society through helping the needy.



 JPC Monthly Newsletter
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  • Police Public Relations Branch, 11/F Arsenal House,
    Police Headquarters, No. 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, HK.
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  • 2860 6157
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  • 2200 4304

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