


JPC member of Kwun Tong
HUNG Wing Lam

When you look around, you will find that Spring is coming. I went to Hong Kong Wetland Park in late February and it made this Spring an impressive one.

The breeze gently brushed my face and the blue sky was above me. The surroundings in the park were wonderful. There were lots of hills and some natural views which couldn’t be found in the urban areas. The view of mangrove was magnificent and made me feel relaxed. The color of red was spread over the forest. The landscape of mangrove was spectacular and I felt extremely good. Near the forest, there were some birds flying in the sky and chirping softly. Also, there were various butterflies in different colours flying around me.

Wetland Park’s views was magical and took all my pressure away so that I could enjoy the season of Spring. Spring makes people feel good and warm. Furthermore, I feel excited when I came to the park to enjoy the views. I could forget all the homework which were piled up like a mountain. Spring brought me delightful memories and I could deeply remember them.


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