

JPC member of Central District
TANG San-yin


Central JPC organised a physical training and team building day in February. I was among the 18 participants that we don't know each other. When we were at the Police Headquarters, the trainer taught us how to use the bow and arrow and we had various practice shots. We were divided into two teams for competition. I found that archery tag is excellent for team building, helping the teammates to know each other.

In the game of combat archery tag, we need to communicate with our team members. When you work as a team, there’s a mutual feeling of striving for the best and winning the game.

Although it’s true that everyone could shoot at his opponents individually. This comes with a small form of teamwork. For instance, you could be busy shooting at your opponent without realising an arrow coming towards you. Your partner will notify you quick enough so you can dodge the arrow before it hits you. Your team ganging up against your opponent and shooting endlessly is also teamwork!

The game also breaks all seriousness and professionalism that you have. Just be yourself and have fun! You could aim at anyone and shoot as many times as possible. Or you could do so until you leave the pitch feeling all contented and no one’s going to blame you for aiming at them. This is a great form of team building as you’re able to break the ice and get to know someone new in the office. It could be someone that you’ve been afraid to talk to for a long time but with the help of games like combat archery tag, you would be able to open up and make friends!

Although the game involves human targets, it’s far less painful than paintball. While some might cringe at the being shot by the foam-tipped arrows, I would say that it’s an activity that people would surely love. I highly recommend archery tag and definitely will do it again!


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