


JPC Member of Central District
WONG Tsz-tung

A special new school year has begun in September. Unlike the previous first school day, an online assembly was held this year because of the COVID-19. The principal, all teachers and students sat in front of the computer, sang the school song together, and listened to the principal’s speech. A challenging new school year is waiting for us.

In addition to the challenges faced by teachers with the new teaching mode, students also need to adjust their mentality towards online lessons. How to keep up with the progress and equip themselves during the COVID-19 are the major challenges for students. Upholding a serious and positive attitude is very important. Regardless there were any physical presence of teachers, we still have to earnestly complete the assignments. In order to better keep up with the progress, students should prepare before lessons to enhance the learning effectiveness.

Face-to-face lesson has been resumed recently and students can finally return to school. Though the end of the pandemic is yet to know, I am still so glad that classmates can meet at school even only for a half day. Regardless of the future development of the epidemic, I believe that holding a positive attitude and trying our best to do everything can keep us going on to fight for our dreams.


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