JPC Member of Lantau District
Kandice WONG

Finally, I can take a break after learning hard from many online lessons !

As one of the candidates of the public exam this year, I am afraid that I cannot get satisfactory result in the exam, as there is a prolonged class suspension due to the spread of Covid-19. However, application of new technology has become a way out for many students. My classmates, teachers and I can reach each other conveniently through online video conferencing software, such as zoom, to conduct face-to-face real time interaction, study and discuss together without the constraint of social distancing.

Technology explosion does not only bring us convenience, but also allows us to learn by innovative means. From time to time, I have twisted my mode of study to adapt to the contemporary advancement of technology, and I am confident in myself to handle any upcoming challenge under the support of my teachers and peers.


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