JPC Member of Border District
CHENG Ho-fung

The inconvenience of going out and other negative impacts arising from COVID-19 is undoubtedly discouraging. As a football player, I felt frustrated and lost whenever unable to attend training during the pandemic whilst my physical fitness deteriorated. Negative thinking and emotion, however, won’t help the situation, so I decided to step forward. Inspired by professional players Jack Downer and Andrew Henderson’s video, I started learning freestyle football and this kicked off my freestyle football journey.

The freestyle football focuses highly on ball control skills, which is totally different from soccer. Transforming from an experienced soccer player to freestyle football beginner, I felt like doing a Mathematics question that is never taught before. Failure in mastering the skill was frustrating though practising a lot. The ability to juggle is the key of freestyle football, thus I practised 2 months to master the techniques and style. Watching my first juggling video always conjures up my memories of those harsh daily training.

Few months later, JPC invited me and my cousin to demonstrate freestyle football skills for a video. I was excited for encountering such a great opportunity, however, being nervous in front of the camera made me fail to perform well. Fortunately, my cousin and teamwork made filming a success.

I was grateful that JPC gave me this opportunity to showcase my skill. Not only did the experience enhance my confidence in performing in front of audiences, but also gave me a wonderful memory. Thanks to video editor, I learnt more about video editing and filming which was a precious experience.

From now on, I will keep on honing my freestyle football skills whilst keeping up with my studies. Although I am still an amateur freestyle football player, I believe practice makes perfect. Most of all, I hope that more youngsters become interested in playing freestyle football to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


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