JPC A-Leader of Western District
KO Kai-man

On July 27, The Western JPC organised a visit to the Marine Police Aberdeen Base. Before we got aboard on the police launch, we had got a lecture presented by the police officer in the canteen. The canteen was very special, with many quaint decorations. The most eye-catching one was the wood horse, which was really lifelike.

The police launch we got aboard was a type of launch for patrolling. On the launch, there were radars, computer sea map, binoculars with high magnification, and other gadgets we all had never seen. The most special thing was the method to go downstairs. Normally, we face forward and down, however, on the boat, we must face the staircase for the granting our own safety.

Finally, the trip ended with joy. We all got souvenirs, which were files with anti-drug posters designed by JPCs and students from different districts, all over Hong Kong, which is a very meaningful gift for all of us.

I hope the Western Districts JPC can organise more such events in order to nurture leaders, in order to fight crime together, in order to build up a better Hong Kong!



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