JPC Member of Central District
Cyrus WONG

On July 22, my younger brother and I joined the JPC Summer Day Camp. It was so much fun and indeed an unforgettable experience for us.

When we arrived at the campsite, we did a little warm-up and then started various activities. All the activities were very interesting. The first one was the “Fingerprint” activity. Some criminals would buy fingerprints for illegal purposes. Therefore, the police would employ some forensic methods to detect which fingerprints are fake. We learned how to investigate fake fingerprints. The second activity was “Learning the footprints of animals”. We imitated the move animals, such as rabbits and crabs. I felt so tired after this activity as we needed to do a lot of exercises on pretending to be animals.

Next, we went to the canteen for lunch. My lunch was carrots and meat served with rice. It was very delicious. My younger brother and my friends sat next to me. We chatted a lot during the lunch and we were so delighted.

After lunch, we played the game called AR Dodgeball. During the game, one of us needed to put up the shields to prevent the attack of the energy balls. However, the shields can only be used a few times. Once any member of their responsible team was catahced by the ball for four times, the opposite team will get a point. Unfortunately, my team lost. Although I was a little sad about the result, the game was very fun and challenging for me.

The last activity was “Parkour”. The game was much harder than I thought. All members were divided into four teams. The fastest person in my team was my best friend, Kyle. He finished the parkour in 41 seconds. The fastest person amongst the teams was a girl who can finish the game in 31 seconds! Is that really possible? The girl also won a limited edition police vehicle model, which is only a thousand numbers available in the world. I was so envious of her prize.

The camp was fascinating, and I was over the moon. I hope I can come again in the future.



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