JPC Leader of Kowloon City District
NGAN Yip-chun

It was an incredible day of my life! On a sunny day in November, my Kowloon City District’s JPC friends and I visited the Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG), Lei Yue Mun for seafood and lastly to the Counter-Terrorism Response Unit (CTRU) base. That morning, we went to the KFBG and visited the greenhouse, watched the raptors, insects and had a tour to walk around the garden.

During the tour, I learned a lot about the ecosystem in Hong Kong from the display houses through the explanation of the guide. After that, we reached Lei Yue Mun Seafood Market and enjoyed our lunch. Finally, we visited the CTRU base in Kowloon East. During the visit, we had an opportunity to try their Physical Training (PT) programme and watched their simulation exercise. Also, we learned that when we face terrorist attacks, members of the public should remember "Run, Hide and Report". "Run", leave immediately via a safe route and do not stay to shoot photographs or videos; "Hide", if it is not possible to leave the scene, take cover. Do not use any sound-emitting or luminous devices; "Report", call 999 for police assistance when you are safe. That is the way which can help us get more time and may save our life!

I learned a lot during the trip about the ecosystem, the history of Lei Yue Mun, the equipment of the CTRU, and most importantly, the way to save our lives!



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