JPC Member of Western District
NG Ying-yen

Last weekend, I went to the Aberdeen Upper Reservoir with JPC team to clean up the hiking trail by picking up rubbish. This was an eye-opening experience because I saw a lot of rubbish left behind by other people. I picked up many candy wrappers, tissues, plastic bottles and gloves. When I saw the rubbish, I think we humans are irresponsible to the environment and animals who live there.

We need to reduce, reuse and recycle more. For example, it is not necessary to use so many tissues to wipe our mouths. We can consider to use one tissue or a small towel. By using a towel, we can wash it and reuse it again and again. We should discard candy wrappers or food wrappers properly in the rubbish bins or correct recycling bins.

As for myself, I promise to always reuse my drinking bottle and always bring a hand towel with me. By doing so, the trees will be strong and healthy. The water will be cleaner. People and animals will have a good view and enjoy the nature happily. I am so glad to have the chance to help clean this hiking trail but one person’s effort is not enough. I hope more people can join in and tidy up Hong Kong together. Make Hong Kong’s hiking trails beautiful again!



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