JPC Member of Eastern District
LEONG Si-hang

I would like take this opportunity to tell you six ways to fight the epidemic. The first and the utmost important is to wear a face mask. It is very important to wear a face mask correctly. You should wear a face mask when you go out. After use, you should fold the mask and dispose of it in a covered rubbish bin. Remember to clean your hands after disposal.

The second way is to maintain personal hygiene. Wash your hands frequently before touching your mouth, nose or eyes, before and after eating and after using the toilet. You can also use an alcohol-based hand rub to clean your hands. After using the toilet, close the toilet lid before flushing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and wash your hands thoroughly.

The third one is to keep your distance from people. Minimise social contact: maintain social distancing, keeping at least one metre away from others. Stay at home as much as possible, and reduce going to crowded places and social gatherings when there is a chance of community infection at this stage. Clean your home.

The fourth way is to observe your physical conditions every day and see whether you have symptoms such as: cough, runny nose, etc. If you do not feel well, see a doctor as soon as possible.

The fifth one is to maintain home hygiene. The first thing is to keep your home well-ventilated. Next, clean your home regularly with a 1:99 diluted bleach.

The sixth way is to exercise regularly to enhance immunity. Even if you stay at home, you should exercise more to increase your body resistance. Exercise for 30 to 45 minutes every day, it can also help relax apart from raising your resistance.



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