JPC Member of Eastern District
TSE Shing-yan

Have you ever been to Tung Lung Chau? I am very happy that my family and I went there with Eastern District JPC on 6th November, 2021. We did a very meaningful thing. We picked up trash along the way from the pier to the campsite and then returned. There were all sorts of trash, for example, tissue paper, face masks, cans, bottles, wrappers, etc.

At the beginning, I felt it was a disgusting job and I did not enjoy it. But after a while I felt sad. Too many people left their trash on the island. Trash is unsightly and smelly. It can also harm the wildlife. Animals would get sick by eating the trash or get tangled up in it. Please love our countryside and environment. I wish we all could dispose of our trash properly so that we could keep Hong Kong beautiful.



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