JPC A Leader of Wong Tai Sin District
CHAN Yik-wang, Edgar

This morning, I paid a visit to a recruitment truck of the Police. In just half an hour, what could you do? Buy a lunch box? Take a nap? Or learn something new? What I experienced today is that you could actually learn something. In the truck, you can experience and know more information about the police recruitment and relevant procedures.

If you would like to serve the society, you should know the questions that might be asked and the stamina that might be tested. You could even have an opportunity to talk to the senior police officers for advice. What are you still hesitant about? Go to the recruitment truck now.



 JPC Monthly Newsletter
  • Editor
  • Room 222, 2/F, Old Wan Chai Police Station,
    No. 123 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, HK.
  • Tel
  • 2828 7431
  • Fax
  • 2200 4304

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