JPC Member of Wong Tai Sin District
LO Sum-ying

This is my first experience with candle making in JPC of Wong Tai Sin District. I am very interested in making candle. The wax was white originally and I could mix different colours and added different scented aromatherapy into the base. With the addition of hand-whipped cream and decorations such as fruit, chocolate and so on, I made a cake like a candle at last. The process needed patience because I had to beat the melted wax into milky cream. The most difficult thing was cleaning the container after the wax had cooled and solidified.

If I can make other candles in the future, I would like to try jelly wax because it is very beautiful. I have also thought about sharing my experience of making candles with some elderly and secondary one students in my school later so that they can make candles themselves. During the activity, I talked and laughed with teachers and schoolmates. I was so excited to meet the brother and sister that graduated two years ago for teaching us to make scented candles. And I was also grateful to JPC for the arrangement. I hope I can join another activity in the future.



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