JPC Member of Border District
LAU Chi-ching

In this article, I would like to share the most unforgettable experience in the final assessment of Expedition, hosted by the Hong Kong Award for Young People (AYP). From 26th to 28th November 2021, the three days and two nights adventure began along with 7 secondary school students.

On the first evening, we started from Pak Tam Chung PHAB Site (傷健樂園). The route was much harder than expected because we usually had daytime training. Without illumination, We were not able to observe the road terrain as usual. Only relied on the compass, we went the wrong way. However, we had already established a strong team spirit and concrete geography knowledge from the biweekly coaching sessions.

We successfully headed to JPC training campus(少訊訓練營) along the Hei Tsz Wan(起子灣), in the High Island West Dam(萬宜水庫西壩), where the view was so mesmerizing that I was able to withdraw from the hustle and bustle in the daily life and realize the thrill of life.

In short, there are various benefits from participating in the AYP events. You can make new friends that are willing to go through challenges together. You can enrol on a wide range of activities from hiking to water sports. You can develop decent characters that help you overcome difficulties. It is earnestly hoped that our fellow border JPC members will more actively join the fruitful AYP activities.



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