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Promoting Force Values has been one of the core businesses of Service Quality Wing (SQW) since their introduction in 1996.  Under the current SAP Project 2.2, SQW has been charged with the responsibility "to enhance the understanding and acceptance of Professional Responsibility and Accountability at all levels". A Working Group, comprising members from all Major Formations, has developed a two-tier approach to promote such Force Value.

The first tier is to promote the Value at Individual's Level by generating a sense of pride for being a member of the Force whilst the second tier aims to enhance the better assumption of Professional Responsibility and Accountability at Supervisory Level by providing supervisors with useful management tools. 

For generating a sense of pride at Individual's Level, the Force Value of "Acceptance of Professional Responsibility and Accountability" has been chosen as the theme of the Living-the-Values (LTV) Workshop Wave VIII as well as a microfilm production and a script-writing competition held earlier this year. Winning entries of the two competitions will be used as training materials for LTV Workshops, which will commence in early 2014.  

SQW, Police College, Psychological Services Group and Police Yung Shu Tau formed a partnership for preparing the LTV Workshop, in particular the design and production of training materials. The objectives of publishing stories of officers  daily work in OffBeat are to disseminate the tacit knowledge and, at the same time, promote Force Values.  The stories have been published in OffBeat since May and more are in the pipeline.

Senior Superintendent (SSP)  Josephine Lau said, Story-telling is an effective vehicle to get a team together, to share tacit knowledge for refining the craft of policing, and instil a sense of pride among officers. It may somehow be narrated with an angle and it would, therefore, be conducive to the process of knowledge sharing if the listeners could help put the issue into perspective.

"Regarding the second tier, a set of guidelines for conducting Supervisory Accountability Study has been developed for reference by Formation Discipline Officers (FDO). The guidelines aim to assist them in deliberating on whether a Supervisory Accountability Study should be carried out, and if affirmative, what factors should be considered. It is hoped that, by going through a standardised deliberation process, the objectivity of the decisions made by the FDOs may also be enhanced," SSP Lau added.

The guidelines have been incorporated into the Integrity Management Tool Kit, which has been accessible to inspectorate officers and above under the E-service of SQW since September 18.

An overview of the two-tier approach, together with all Force-wide activities as well as the local initiatives taken by Major Formation and Formation Commanders in support of the promotion of acceptance of Professional Responsibility and Accountability at local levels are now available from the newly developed Hexagon on the POINT front page.

For information in relation to SAP Project 2.2 or contribution of stories, contact SSP Lau at 2860-6583.