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Researches have revealed that enhancement of emotional quality helps maintain a peaceful mind in face of work pressure, strengthens family bonds and improves life quality.  In this respect, the Force has been incorporating the element of "psychological competency" into various training courses since 2005.
Given the significant effects of training in "psychological competency", the Force has decided to further expand "Emotional Fitness Training" programmes to all members, including Train-the-Trainer Workshops, four Training Days Packages and a training programme for senior officers, all of which would equip Force members better for meeting challenges and changes. 
Four Training Days (TD) packages have been developed under different themes. The first one launched in October 2014 with the theme of "Happy, it is my choice to be" has met with a favourable response.
Director of Police College Paul Lau commented: "This training package, presented in the form of drama and animation, drives home to Force members some main ideas like 'appreciation of the strength of other people and our own', 'understanding our basic emotions and their functions', 'the significance of emotions in our lives in the long run', and'happiness formula'.  It is hoped that, through an introduction to the relevant psychological studies, Force members would understand that resilience can be cultivated and we have a choice to remain happy."
"Although the four TD packages cater for the needs of frontline officers, we also encourage the participation of officers at the ranks of Superintendent or Chief Inspector, as well as all civilian officers. "  
To help those Force members, who were unable to attend the TD workshops, access the relevant knowledge, the training video of the first TD package will be uploaded to "What's New" of the Police Intranet early next month. Detailed training materials can also be downloaded from the "Specialised Services Training Centre" homepage of Police College.   
The second TD package with the theme of "It all begins with our daily habits" will be rolled out in March 2015.  The third and fourth TD packages will be available in April and June 2015 respectively with the themes of "Adaptive cognitive practice - can it be done?" and "Adaptive cognitive practice - I can do it".  After completing the four TD packages, Force members would realise that they can "grab hold of happiness and resilience".
Mr Lau discusses Training Days Packages with his staff
Mr Lau discusses Training Days Packages with his staff