Staff Relations Hotline: 2866-7519

Loans and grants from the Police Welfare Fund to assist JPOs to pursue further education

AS an incentive to encourage junior police officers to realise their full potential through further education, loans will be made available from the Police Welfare Fund to assist them to pursue academic studies during their spare time.
Junior police officers may apply for an interest free loan of $10,000 a year to pursue a diploma course (or equivalent), or $20,000 a year for a degree course (or equivalent) with prerequisites as follows:
The course attended must have some general relevance to the officer's duties but is not limited to police subjects. It may include such subjects as information technology, human resources management, social sciences, etc. However, loans will not be provided for law courses leading to careers in the legal profession;
The course must be longer than one year and must be organised by a recognised educational institute;
And, all studying, tutorials and examinations must be undertaken in an officer's own time.
Officers undertaking courses with assistance under the this scheme (and who have completed the full course and achieved good academic results) may also apply for an additional grant - that is, $5,000 for diploma level courses and $10,000 for degree level courses.
Applications for loans should be made in accordance with the procedures set out in FPM 11-07. Evidence of acceptance on the course and receipts for payment of fees must be provided with the loan application.
Officers will not normally be granted a loan for education if they already have an outstanding loan with the Police Welfare Fund. If an officer wants an additional loan for education purposes, he should forward his reasons in memo form to CSP PS (Attn: SPWO WS).
Applications for grants for academic achievement should be made on the standard Police Welfare Fund loan/grant form, with proof of completion of the course and the awards received attached.
For enquiries, please contact your Regional Welfare Officers or call: 2804-1107, or 2866-7519.

Tax Reserve Certificates

With effect from 1 September 98, the annual rate of interest payable on Tax Reserve Certificates has been changed from 8.28 per cent per annum to 8.04 per cent per annum. This new rate of interest is applicable to all certificates purchased under the Optional Pay-As-You-Earn Scheme on or after 1 September 98.

Police Night 1998

The annual spectacular will be held at Police Training School on November 25, 27 and 28.
Highlights of the event will include performances by overseas police bands, the Hong Kong Police Band, a modern dance show and a tournament between major formation teams to manoeuvre a stalled police HGP vehicle through a series of gates.
Also in store for the night are displays of the mighty Saxon Armoured Personnel Carrier, the Road Safety Bus, Robotcop, EOD vehicles and equipment and Small Boat Unit craft.
A wide range of Force souvenirs will also be on sale.
The first two nights are open to the public, while November 28 is reserved for Force members only.
Tickets this year will cost $60, $80 and $100.
Watch this space for more details and booking arrangements.

Police Museum closed from 1 to 25 September

DUE to the commencement of a nearby slope stabilisation project, the Police Museum will be temporarily closed from 1 to 25 September 1998.

Piano Festival

A piano festival featuring three prominent young Asian pianists from Hong Kong and the US will take place on 27 September, 16 October, and 13 November at the Hong Kong City Hall Theatre and Concert Hall.
The Personnel Services Branch is offering 30 per cent discount on tickets to members of the Force ? which will cost $105 per ticket.
Also, Tom Lee Music is offering a 15 per cent discount coupon on any music book or musical score items on any purchase of tickets. In addition, Tom Lee is offering a free Yamaha-120 VCD for any purchase of a piano, electric piano, or digital piano priced above $20,000.
For more information and tickets call Ringo Chan: 2838-7885, pager 7100-4566.

Police Magazine tape on North Point Project

POLICE Magaxine's television segment on the North Point Pilot Project (and the involvement of community members) has been copied onto VCR cassettes and sent out to all formations to serve as an informational video for training days, DC conferences, etc. The show looks at the Prefect from the police side as well as the public side and can give Force members unfamiliar with the Project some background on what is happening, especially with the improvements being made for officers themselves.

Blue Cross

Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited is offering a voluntary healthcare insurance scheme exclusively for full-time Hong Kong civil servants aged 60 or below. Their spouses and children (aged from 15 days to 18. or full-time students up to age 23) can en-joy the medical coverage as well.
Brochures and application forms are available at all Staff Relations offices, District Staff Relations Offices and Regional Welfare Offices.
For general enquiries about the scheme, contact the Customer Service Representatives of Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited at 2850-3030.



Fireworks display will be held on Thursday 1 October over Victoria Harbour. The display will start at about 8:30pm and last for about 20 minutes. Applications are now invited for reservations for the fireworks display dinner.
There are 50 tables (25 in the Chinese restaurant and 25 in the indoor games hall) available for a Chinese dinner ($2,997 for 12 people, $1997 for eight diners), along with seating for 100 in the Grill Room and Beat Cafe for Western cuisine ($240 per adult, $220 per child).
For details call 2891-4128.
NOTE: The POC will close for the fireworks display on 1 October at 4pm and will re-open at 5:30pm for those holding tickets for the special fireworks night function.
Normal POC service will be resumed the following day - 2 October.


Tying the knot?¡K¡Kthen the POC Tang Shiu Kin Hall ,which can accommodate up to 29 tables(that's 348 celebrants),is perfect for your wedding banquet. The restaurant has specially arranged two wedding banquet menu packages, priced at #3,980 or $3,380 per table of 12 diners. For more details on the menus a POC wedding banquet please call catering manager Raymond Fan:2891-4128.


Effective since 1 August, mooncakes are on sale at the POC for the following prices: Gold pack(four large cakes)$208:Mini pack(eight pieces)$128.


Begins 3 October(Saturday).$580 for six (1.5-hour)sessions. Please call Rachel Chui form more details:7204-2233.

Leave Homes

FORCE holiday bungalow accommodation is available from September 2 - October 5, 1998 for Gazetted and Inspectorate officers and their civilian counterparts as follows:

Hoi Fu Fa Yuen, P3 in Macau, Sept. 1-6, 8-11, 13-30, Oct. 1-5
Casa Pearl Terrace in Macau, Sept.1-13, 15-30, Oct. 1-5
Casa Sagres in Macau, Sept. 4-30, Oct. 1-5
Hellen Garden in Macau, Sept.1-14, 16-30, Oct. 1-5
Ham Tin No.10, 1/F in Pui O, Sept. 1-4, 6-9, 13,16-18, 21-30, Oct. 1-5
Tung Tsz A4, Sept. 4, 6-10, 13-30, Oct. 1-5
FORCE holiday bungalow accommodation is available from September 13 - October 19, 1998 for Gazetted and Inspectorate officers and their civilian counterparts as follows: Hoi Fu Fa Yuen, P3 in Macau, Sept 20-25, 27-30; Oct 1-2, 5-19. Casa Pearl Terrace in Macau, Sept 15-30; Oct 1-2, 4-19. Casa Sagres in Macau, Sept 13-18, 21-25, 28-30; Oct 4-19. Hellen Garden in Macau, Sept 16-17, 20-27, 30; Oct 4-19. Ham Tin No.10, 1/F in Pui O, Sept 16-18, 20-25, 28-30; Oct 4, 6-19. Tung Tsz A4, Sept 13-17, 27-29; Oct 6-19. Accommodation after October 19, 1998 will be allocated by ballot. For reservations, apply to Personnel Services Branch Holiday Facilities Unit at 2804-1135. Applicants please use the new application forms (Rev 98). You cannot apply for more than one bungalow during the same period. The following hotels are offering accommodation at reduced rates for Force members: Mandarin Oriental Macau (800-967338) New World Emperor Hotel Macau (2192-6074) Hotel Sintra (2546-6944) Holiday Inn Macau (800-965646) Hotel Ritz Macau (2739-9928) Forum Hotel Shenzhen (2866-7699);and Shenzhen Century Plaza Hotel (2598-0363) Shenzhen Nanhai Hotel (2315 5388) Guangzhou Hai Tao Hotel (2311-2283); and Gold Coast Hotel (2452-8888) Warwick Hotel (2981 0081) Concerto Inn (2982 1668) Interested colleagues should obtain a letter of introduction from the Personnel Services Branch Holiday Facilities Unit and contact the hotels directly for reservations

Accommodation after 5 October will be allocated by ballot. For reservations apply to Personnel Services Branch Holiday Facilities Unit: 2804-1135. Applicants please use the new application forms (Rev 97). You can't apply for more than one bungalow during the same period.
These hotels are offering accommodation at reduced rates for Force members:

Mandarin Oriental Macau (800-967338)
New World Emperor Hotel Macau (2192-6074)
Hotel Sintra (2546-6944)
Holiday Inn Macau (800-965646)
Hotel Ritz Macau (2739-9928)
Forum Hotel Shenzhen (2866-7699);and
Shenzhen Century Plaza Hotel (2598-0363)
Shenzhen Nanhai Hotel (2315 5388)
Guangzhou Hai Tao Hotel (2311-2283); and
Gold Coast Hotel (2452-8888)
Warwick Hotel (2981 0081)
Concerto Inn (2982 1668)

Interested colleagues should obtain a letter of introduction from the Personnel Services Branch Holiday Facilities Unit and contact the hotels directly for reservations.

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