Marine Police welcomed by Guangdong Border Defence Bureau

Red carpet treatment. Director of Guangdong BDB, Lin Jieyuan (left), accompanies D OPS Ng Ching-kwok and RC Marine Foo Tsun-kong on an historic tour by Hong Kong Marine Police of First Brigade HQS in Huangpu. Below: Marine Police vessels entering Huangpu harbour
HONG KONG Police Director of Operations Ng Ching-kwok and Regional Commander of Marine Region, Foo Tsun-kong, led a flotilla of three police launches with 130 police officers on board on the first visit to the Guangdong Border Defence Bureau (BDB) at Huangpu on 4 September. The delegation also called on the Director of the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau, Chen Shaoji, and its Deputy Director, Zhang Shengqin.

This historical visit was a reciprocal event following a visit to Hong Kong by the Guangdong BDB on 11 June this year. It also afforded officers of all ranks from both forces an opportunity to share their experiences and views.

The three police launches set off from the Marine Police base at Tai Lam at dawn for Shekou where several pilots of the Guangdong BDB boarded the vessels to guide the flotilla through the waters of the Pearl River to the First Brigade Headquarters of the BDB in Huangpu.

"The proximity of Hong Kong and Guangdong makes co-operation between the two police forces a must in the fight against cross-boundary crimes such as illegal immigration and smuggling. I am proud to say that the close working relationship between the Hong Kong Police and our Guangdong counterparts in the past years in areas like the exchange of intelligence has produced very positive effects," said Ng Ching-kwok during the welcoming ceremony held at Huangpu by the Director of the Guangdong BDB, Lin Jieyuan.

"This relationship was exemplified in 1997 when the two forces worked hand in hand before and after the reunification of Hong Kong with China in a bid to strengthen boundary defence and to prevent criminals from sneaking into the HKSAR. The resulting smooth reunification was an event acclaimed by the whole world," said Mr Ng, thanking all members of the Guangdong BDB.

"Now under the 'One Country Two Systems' principle, we should learn from each other on the basis of mutual trust, communication and respect so that we can understand each other better and do a better job to ensure the safety of residents on both sides of the boundary," he added.

These views were shared by Director Lin, who said:"The co-operation between the two forces since the reunification has helped frontline officers to foster friendships and understanding. We should further strengthen our co-operation to combat cross-boundary crimes to ensure public safety on both sides of the boundary and to facilitate the reunification of Macau with the mainland next year."

Senior members of the Hong Kong delegation then paid a courtesy call to the Director of the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau, Chen Shaoji and its Deputy Director, Zhang Shengqin. Both parties had a friendly exchange of views on matters of mutual concern such as illegal immigration, smuggling and other cross-boundary crimes.

Meanwhile, a delegation of Hong Kong police officers toured the Huangpu Military School which was set up by Dr Sun Yat-sen and is renowned for producing some of the most famous military talents in the history of modern China, while others toured the Border Defence Bureau Commanding Officers' Training School.

Included in the day's events were a variety of cultural performances (lion dances, martial arts demonstration, patriotic dances, marching bands) organised by the BDB, as well as a very well-received performance by the Hong Kong Police Band.

Said Woman Police Constable Law Yu-wai of the Marine Harbour Division:"I'm glad to have been part of this unforgettable historical event, and was deeply impressed by the warm hospitality of the BDB officers."

Sergeant Man Kwok-choi said:"The visit gave me an opportunity to gain an understanding of the establishment, welfare system and working environment of our Guangdong counterparts. I've made up my mind to learn Putonghua."

"Of my 21 years in the Marine Police, this is the first time I've ever participated in such a large-scale official visit. It was really an honour," said Station Sergeant Chow Chi-wai.

* More pictures in photo feature *

$1,000,000 plus and rising ! ! !
OVER $1,000,000 raised! Well done all!

As OFFBEAT goes to press, we are pleased to announce that the Hong Kong Police Force has raised over $1,000,000 ($978,000 in hand, with $100,000 still to come from the Auxiliary Police) which will go towards helping millions of people affected by the tragic mainland floods. All those who still wish to give can send their cheques directly to: HKPF China Flood Disaster Relief Fund, Hang Seng Bank A/C No. 256-128778-001.

More donations are expected to be received at the benefit concert which will take place at PTS on Friday September 18.

All Force members and their families are welcome. So, come and celebrate!!!

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