CP's Spring Reception
WHILE CP'S Spring Reception was held on February 12 at the Police Officers' Club. Mr Hui took the opportunity to wish all his guests and Force members a happy and prosperous year of the Rabbit.
CP with DCP OPS Wong Tsan-kwong and Secretary for Security Regina Ip at the reception

Crime prevention messages for marine community

SHORTLY before the Lunar New Year holiday, leaflets and PVC magnets carrying crime prevention messages were distributed to outlying islands residents and the marine community reminding them of the importance of security at home and on board vessels.

Led by the District Commander of the Marine Port District, Au Hok-lam, members of the Islands, Southern and Eastern District Fight Crime Committees and Junior Police Call members distributed the leaflets and magnets to residents on Cheung Chau, Lamma and Peng Chau and, via five police launches, to people on fishing boats in Aberdeen, Cheung Chau and Shau Kei Wan typhoon shelters.

The leaflets carry basic precautionary anti-crime measures for security at home and on board vessels. The magnets, designed to suit a maritime environment, are printed with useful advice for vessel owners and people working on boats to safeguard their property against theft and burglary.

The crime prevention campaign saw over 7,000 leaflets and more than 1,000 magnets distributed.

The Marine Port District also distributed the leaflets and magnets to schools, rural committees, youth centres, fishermen's associations and merchant shipping associations.

Force Colours and awards for sports achievements

DCP MAN Tsang Yam-pui flanked by the Force sporting stars

POLICE officers were awarded Force Colours by DCP MAN Tsang Yam-pui on February 23 in recognition of their outstanding achievements in, or services to, various sporting events.

The recipients were: PC Chung Kiu-man and IP D Hibell (Athletics); SP Chow Keng-kan and SCO Wong Tat-ming (Badminton); SSGT Tam Yau-tong (Basketball); SGT Chow Chi-shing (Football); CIP J Fuller (Hockey); SGT Sham Ying-ho (Karate-Do); SGT Wong Hak-shun (Orienteering); SP Rod Mason and CIP D L Shearer (Rugby); PC Cheng Man-keung (Table Tennis); SP Mak Kwai-sing (Tennis); SGT Cheung Nam-hoi and PCO So Pang Shui-lin (Tenpin Bowling) and SGT Kwok Siu-sum (Volleyball).

PC Chung Kiu-man was awarded the Watson Cup as the overall outstanding athlete of 1998; while Airport District took the Purdon Shield for overall outstanding results in sports for 1998.

WHILE ON 26 February, Commissioner of Police Hui Ki-on presented promotion letters to Cheung Chi-shum, who was promoted to ACP on 18 January; to David Madoc-Jones, who was promoted to CSP on 10 January; and to Paul Hung Hak-wai, who was promoted to CSP on 1 February.

Congratulations all.

ACP Cheung, CP Hui, CSP Madoc-Jones and CSP Hung

Fourth Annual Police Dog Trials

A THE fourth Annual Police Dog Trials was held on 2 February at the Queen's Hill Camp Police Dog Unit with ACP OPS Yip Kwok-keung and Legislator James Tien Pei-chun as guests of honour.

The high professionalism of the police dog handlers and their charges were once again revealed in the various categories of the competition: obedience, attack and search.

The overall champions and winners of the advanced category were PC Ip Kwok-wing and canine partner Harry. While the open category went to PC Chung Chi-wai and police dog Thora.

The first runners-up were PC Chan Man-tung and his dog Tampa; with second place going to the team of PC Wong Hing-man and his police dog Ossie.

Champs of the novice category were PC Wong Wai-man and police dog Ka Ka; with first and second runners-up PC Lee Yiu-keung and Dooley, and WPC Lo Ka-man and her dog Chanel.

PC Wong Wai-man (above) and PC Ip Kwok-wing receiving their trophies

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