New inflatable boats enhance
Emergency Unit rescue effectiveness

THE Police Emergency Unit of New Territories North (EU/NTN) recently acquired two inflatable boats and six sets of ground-to-air communication equipment to enhance their operational effectiveness in dealing with severe flooding.

EU/NTN Superintendent So Kam-tong said the purchase followed a review of the rescue operations conducted last May during the Legislative Council Voting Day when a deluge caused widespread flooding in the northern part of the New Territories. A total of 55 "requests for help" were received on the day, with police, firemen, members of the Government Flying Services and the Civil Aid Service rescuing or assisting 175 people from flood hit areas.

"In order to provide better service to the public, recommendations were made by EU/NTN to strengthen their ability to deal with flooding by improving the equipment and training of officers involved," SP So said.

EU/NTN is the first police Emergency Unit to equip itself with the inflatable boats measuring 2.9 metres in length and 1.4 metres in width, that each have a capacity for four people.

The boats (which are easy to operate and propelled by a four-horsepower engine), are lightweight, foldable, rapidly inflatable Ð and made of firm material not easily punctured. Floatation ropes have also been acquired to be used in tandem with the new boats during rescue operations.

"In addition to the acquisition of the small craft, improvements have also been made in the area of ground to air communications," said SP So. "Six sets of Small Talk Radio will also come into use for improving communications between police officers on the ground and those in Government Flying Service helicopters during emergencies."

Photography: Benny Ho

Police EU NTN vehicle decked out with
its new inflatable boat to be deployed
during bouts of severe flooding in the

EU NTN officers can inflate the small
boat in minutes

Emergency officers deploying the small
craft which is easy to operate and
propelled by a four-horsepower outboard
engine, lightweight, foldable, rapidly
inflatable and made from puncture-proof

Along with the two new boats, EU NTN
has also acquired six sets of ground-to-air
communication equipment (Small Talk
Radios) and flotation ropes that will
enhance its operational effectiveness in
dealing with flood hit areas

Stormworthy scenario. Emergency Unit officers of New Territories North demonstrate the boat's effectiveness
in rescuing a "victim" of the region's frequently heavy spring downpours

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