Police Tennis Club court their rivals
in Singapore and Thailand

Hong Kong Police Tennis Club pose with hosting Singapore Tennis Team before the match

Hong Kong Police Tennis Club after their 6:3 victory in the Lion City

THIRTEEN members of the Police Tennis Club, led by its chairman Iain Tse, visited Singapore and Hong Kong Police Tennis Club after their 6:3 victory in the Lion CityThailand from 23-31 January where they played two traditional interport tennis matches against their friendly rivals from the two countries.

Against the Singapore Police Tennis Team, the Hong Kong Police Tennis Club team beat them on hard court matches 6:3 - the first ever away win for the PTM.

Of note was the participation of Eric Blackburn (Ex-DCP MAN and one of the founding members of PTC) who also played and won in one of the formal matches.

Then it was on to Bangkok where the PTC lost six matches to three against the Royal Thai Police Tennis Team who had a handful of high standard players to choose from, including their Police Lieutenant Warapol who is an ex-Davis Cup player for Thailand.

The trip was extremely successful in terms of the PTC projecting a positive image of the Hong Kong Police Force to its overseas counterparts post the handover. Club members also wish to express their sincere appreciation and gratitude for the warm hospitality extended by the hosting Singaporean and Royal Thai Police Tennis Teams.

In other news, the men's division of the Police Tennis Club emerged league champions in the B Division in the 1999 Winter League Open Tennis Tournament (organised by the Hong Kong Tennis Association), by defeating the United Services Recreation Club 7:2 in the final matches of the season last month ¡Ð a first for the Hong Kong Police men's tennis team, and quite an accomplishment considering there are 21 teams in the league.

Supporting the fine performance by PTC finals players SP Iain Tse (Captain), Inspectors Tim Yue and Lee Wing-cheung, SSgt Ricky Wong, PTRI Raymond Wong and son of WSGT 11107 John Yiu, were DMS Dick Lee Ming-kwai and PTC vice chairman Eddie Ko Chi-ming.

Police golfers repeat success at the 'Dunhill'

THE Police Golfing Society scored a 'repeat success' by winning both Bronze Division finals in the Alfred Dunhill Inter-Golf Society Super League Championship Autumn/Winter1998 Season, played at Kau Sai Chau Golf Course on 27 January.

Police won the same competition in the earlier Spring/Summer event.

The two teams managed to qualify for the semi-finals after the round robin stages held between October and December. Then in the semi-finals and finals, the Police golfers displayed their considerable skill and fighting qualities by finally winning in a very convincing fashion, thus setting the seal on a memorable year.

All Police players involved throughout the competition played in the true spirit of golf and made new friends in the process.

Following completion of the finals, Dunhill laid on a buffet dinner and all golfers shared an enjoyable evening reliving the events on the course. All are eagerly looking forward to the next 'tee-off' in this very prestigious and enjoyable competition.

Police emerge as Disciplined Services shooting champs ¡Ð again!
THE final round of the Disciplined Services Shooting Competition (which included teams from C&E, CSD, FDS, ID, ICAC and the HKPF) at the Kau To Shan DSSA Range on 7 February saw the Police shoot their way to the top winning the team championship and individual titles ¡Ð which went to top guns Sergeant Tsang Chi-ying, Sergeant Leung Wing-on, Inspector Man Kin-hung and Edgar Yang Joe-tzi.

In the ladies' category, WPC Wong Tung-nei prevailed, with WPC Lui Siu-chong as second runner-up.

Top gun Inspector Man Kin-hung receiving his award

A natural-born shooter, WPC Wong (who has only been firearms trained for 18 months), beat both men and women to win the title of Best Revolver shooter.

The five-stage competition, employing barricades, tunnels and other obstacles intended to simulate a real life environment, tested shooters on speed, accuracy and the correct response in life threatening situations. The emphasis on proper procedure was reflected in the strict penalty system adopted for the game.

Join the Police Athletics Club

WANT to live a long and healthy life; regain some of your youth; get your weight back down and look fitter and feel healthier?

What sport were you good at when you were still at school? Were you fast? Did you do well at sprinting? Did you have the strength and willpower to run long distances? Could you throw a ball further then most people? Could you jump higher than your friends?

Would you like to try running one marathon; an experience of a life-time?

If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, then let us help you achieve your goal.

Membership of the Police Athletics Club is free. You will be given a membership card, free running shorts and singlet ¡Ð and enjoy a discount on sports wear from a popular sporting goods company.

The Police Athletics Club is a full, voting member Club of the Hong Kong Amateur Athletics Association. As such, our members can use any Urban Council sports stadium facilities throughout the territory. The Police Athletics Club will pay entrance fees for club members to join in any Hong Kong athletics running event such as the reservoir cross-country series organised by the HKSBC.

We will even send a team (all club members welcome) to the annual Macau Marathon.

And we regularly pay for club members to compete in Hong Kong-wide athletics meetings organised by the HKAAA.

If you want to join the Police Athletics Club fax the following form to SIP HRDT PTS Carol Cheng Mei-lin: 2814-1783.

I would like to be a member of the Police Athletics Club.
* Please apply for HKAAA membership on my behalf.
I am interested in *long distance running, *short distance running,*track/field athletics, *others
Name : ____________________ Rank/UI No.______________
Posting : ____________________________________________
Address : ___________________________________________
Signed : ____________________________________________

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