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Ups and dowmans

DEAR SIR,As a first-time competitor of the Dowman Road Race, I was very impressed with the turn out of participants and the efforts that went into organising the event by Police Athletics Club members, the staff of S&R PS Division and PTU 'F' Company. It was a very enjoyable experience.

May I suggest in future races, however, that more beverages and fruit (bananas) be available for runners at the mid-way point and the finish line. Also, I have heard that certificates for participants who finished the race will not be issued. If true, why not? I think most runners look forward to receiving such a memento of accomplishing the Dowman.

WSIP S Cheung Tin-yee

REPLY . . .

DEAR SIR,There have been a number of criticisms made to members of the Police Athletics Club Committee about the lack of refreshments available to runners who were at the back of the field. While the PAC did provide sufficient drinking water at the end of the race - 20 large water tanks - they did not have enough at the half-way turn-around point. This will be rectified next year.

The reason why there was not enough tea and cold drinking water for all runners at the end of the race is because earlier finishers filled up their cups and then just left the taps running. In this way a lot of tea and water was wasted. Again this is the fault of the organisers, to some extent, for not placing marshals at the refreshment stand to control flow and keep order.

Next year we plan to create a refreshments corridor, with mills barriers, allowing a single line of competitors to pass through. Bigger paper cups will be issued and a marshall will be there to ensure tea and water is not wasted.

As for the bananas, an expensive item, we bought well in excess of 1,100. Next year, as already mentioned, we will have a marshal controlling the refreshments queue.

The entrance fee for the Dowman Road Race may seem excessive ($35), but it is needed to pay for the special Dowman issue race numbers (from the USA), stationery, trophies, the printing of individual certificates, bananas and drinks, and some minor recurring expenses such as trophy repairs, pennants, starting hooter, stop-watch printers, etc.

The final accounting for this year has not been completed but it looks as if $12,000 to $13,000 of the entry fees will remain unspent. However, this will be carried forward to our next Force-wide event which is the Athletics Championships.

Every year the PAC incurs a deficit on this event because of the comparatively large number of trophies, small number of competitors, the requirement to provide refreshments for many marshals and time-keepers and the large amount of money spent on stationery, equipment and stadium hire. Last year the deficit was some $10,000. It is our club's aim to make the four annual Force-wide athletics events pay for themselves without placing a financial burden on competitors. Afterall, we want to encourage competitors, not discourage them!

Finally, the author queried the results of the Dowman Road Race as published in OFF-BEAT. I have re-checked these and found no mistake.

As for certificates, these will be issued in May providing no printing difficulties are encountered.

J C S McDouall
Police Athletics Club

MTR patrolling officer praised

DEAR SIR,While I was traveling with my two-year-old daughter on the MTR on January 19 after seeing the doctor, her situation got worse and she became unconscious. I hurried out of the compartment and sought help from MTR staff, unfortunately no one could perform first aid.

While I was trying to carry my daughter to the hospital, I met Police Constable Wong Sin-ming who resuscitated her with professional skill. To ensure that she reached the hospital safely, I asked PC Wong to accompany us by taxi and he courteously agreed.

On the way my daughter fell unconscious again at which time PC Wong continued to resuscitate her. My daughter recovered after six days in the hospital.

My family and I would like to thank PC Wong Sin-ming for his help. His attitude remains a constant reminder of the professionalism of the Hong Kong Police Force.

Cheung Chi-kong

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