Headlines Redevelopment of Arsenal Yard Police Headquarters Counterfeit credit card manufacturing centre smashed A pilot scheme to promote home ownership for JPOs New police measures to deter nuisance 999 calls by children Renaissance Cop:Creating the new report room multi-media kiosks Getting organised Lay Observers add further transparency to CAPO investigations In Brief "Youth crime and schools" Charitable donation by the Scottish Wooi JPOA Spring Reception Beijing public Security Bureau and Traffic Control Bureau Officers visit the Force Police Magazine awarded Macau Police Visit Feature Liaison Bureau Officer invited to participate in mock trial held in Beijing Healthy lifestyles Health is Wealth : Quit smoking! Marine Regional Family Day Photo Features NTN Cross Country Run fields a record 187 runners Local Police establishing themselves as keen lawn bowlers
Redevelopment of Arsenal Yard Police Headquarters Counterfeit credit card manufacturing centre smashed A pilot scheme to promote home ownership for JPOs New police measures to deter nuisance 999 calls by children Renaissance Cop:Creating the new report room multi-media kiosks Getting organised Lay Observers add further transparency to CAPO investigations
"Youth crime and schools" Charitable donation by the Scottish Wooi JPOA Spring Reception Beijing public Security Bureau and Traffic Control Bureau Officers visit the Force Police Magazine awarded Macau Police Visit
Liaison Bureau Officer invited to participate in mock trial held in Beijing
Health is Wealth : Quit smoking! Marine Regional Family Day
NTN Cross Country Run fields a record 187 runners Local Police establishing themselves as keen lawn bowlers