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In line with the recommendation made by the Force Study Team on "Recruitment and Retention of Crime Officers at District Level", the Crime Officer Mentorship Programme was launched in May 2011 to foster the interest of newly recruited junior officers in joining the crime stream at an early stage of their police career.

They are selected as Mentees under the guidance of a cohort of experienced and dedicated Detective Sergeants and Detective Police Constables acting as Mentors. The programme will also help the Mentors' build up their leadership potential and communication skills.

So far, the programme has over 300 members, including 20 Mentors I/C at the ranks from Superintendent to Detective Station Sergeant. Mentors have committed themselves to devising a wide variety of activities to pass on the fine traditions of detective work to Mentees.  With the support of Formations, a number of Mentees with two years of service are expected to attend the Standard Criminal Investigation Course (SCIC).  Some Mentees are now carrying out frontline detective duties after completing the SCIC.

Building on the success of the programme, the Wave II of the programme has been rolled out with the aim of recruiting a fresh team of Mentors and Mentees in the coming two years.  Detective Station Sergeants, Detective Sergeants, and experienced Detective Police Constables who possess high leadership potential and are qualified for consideration for promotion to the rank of Sergeant, are welcome to apply as Mentors.  Successful applicants will be presented with an appointment letter by Assistant Commissioner (Crime), with Force-Related Extra Duties recorded in their PICS II. 

Browse the Force Noticeboard Message dated August 13 for more details of the programme and application, the deadline of which is September 12. For enquiry, contact Cheng Hang-fai, SIP FI 2C NB, at 2860-3346, Kwok Yi-man, OC DCS 2 CDIST, at 3660-1281, or Chan Yim-yee, SGT CPPU CRM, at 2860-2579.