



It may be hard to resist the temptation of a piece of sizzling steak on a hot plate. In fact, consuming red meat from cattle, goats and pigs is recommended as part of a balanced diet as it provides many beneficial nutrients, including protein, vitamin B12, zinc and iron. However, there have been reports about the link between red meat, especially processed meat, and cancer and heart disease risks. Many of us are eating far more red meat than we should.

On ethical grounds, animals become a commodity mass-produced in the production line, therefore raising welfare concern among animal rights groups. Furthermore, there is lots of environmental damage from livestock farming. Methane from manure and enteric fermentation, which is farts and burps from livestock, generates tremendous amount of air pollution.

If you care about your health, other animals and the environment, it is always a good idea to cut down your consumption on red meat. Even if you are really a red meat-lover, you should choose leaner cuts containing less saturated fat. You may also want to buy from butcher shops that sell red meat from more ethical, smaller-scaled, sustainable farms.


JPC Monthly Newsletter
Editor: Police Public Relations Branch, 11/F Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, No. 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, HK.
Tel: 2860 6157
Fax: 2200 4304
JPC homepage: http://www.hkpjpc.org.hk
Police homepage: http://www.police.gov.hk


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