

JPC Advanced Leader of Sau Mau Ping District
CHOI Uen-ching


My mother is an ordinary woman. She is almost fifty-three years old but she looks younger than her real age. She does housework everyday like every housewife does. She cooks delicious food and takes care of all our family members.

Everyone said that I look like my mother, but we have personality differences. She is down-to-earth, diligent, open-minded, considerate and dependable. Whenever I face adversities, she encourages me and keeps on supporting me. I am really lucky and grateful that she appeared to be my mother.

As time goes by and my mother is getting old, I cherish every moment spent with her. From now on, I want to grab the chances by spending more time getting along with her in order to create more and more memories.

I get a strong belief that family is the most important in our life and my mother is the best mother ever.


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