


Jason:Hey Sharon, I ran into you having lunch with a lady yesterday. I have never seen her before, is she a new friend of yours?

Sharon: No Jason, that lady's name is Anita, she is an old friend from my last job.

Jason: Ah I see! It's always nice to see an old friend. Do you miss your previous company and would you like to work there again?

Sharon: To be honest, not at all! In retrospect, quitting that job is the best decision I ever made!

Hugo: Hang on a second. What and why? What does 'in retrospect' means and why was it the best decision to quit that job?

Sharon: 'In retrospect' means looking and thinking back into the past with a reflective attitude. I think that job really wasn't for me. It was a sales position and I didn't enjoy being a salesperson. On top of that, everyone in the team was extremely competitive and unfriendly. Anita was the only friend I made at work during the 3 years in the company!

Jason: That doesn't sound good! I'm happy that you have moved on to a more suitable job now!



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