


JPC member of Western Distict
LIU Yu-kwan

What is pressure? Pressure may come from your study, career, peer, family, or environment. A little pressure can push you to improve your working efficiency and performance. However, too much pressure may get you sick both physically and psychologically. Therefore, it is important to have an effective stress management that make positive use of pressure. Isn’t it? Here are some tips to deal with stress:

First, identifying the major sources of the stress. Take myself as an example, I got pressure due to the examination next week. Then I focused to tackle it by making a revision timetable, asking my classmates and teachers for the concepts that I did not understand and doing past papers. It helped myself to be more confident for the examination and less stressed..

Second, trying to change your behavior and mindset. Encouraging yourself like “take it easy” or “you can do it” can relax your brain and reduce the possibility of making mistakes, helping you to work more efficiently.

Last but not least, easing the tension works like magic to handle the stress. You may engage in leisure activities to refresh yourself such as playing sports games, listening to music, travelling, painting, etc. Doing whatever you like to take a rest can send out a calm signal to help reducing mental stress. Besides, taking a hot shower can help with vasodilation and increasing blood oxygen levels, thereby relaxing the body and mind. Also, deep breathing can help to provide oxygen to your brain, slow down the heart rate and relax the feeling of suffocation.

Hope you all have effective stress management and enjoy your life.


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