JPC Member of Western District
Jerry Chan


Last Sunday, Mum woke up feeling cold. She found it difficult to get out of bed as she was aching all over. After taking her body temperature, Dad and I found that she was having a high fever. As dengue fever scare hits Hong Kong, we sent her to the hospital.

After taking a thorough examination, Mum was concluded to be down with flu, I got a load off my mind. She was admitted to hospital for medical treatment, Dad and I visited her everyday. After we had visited Mum, we decided to hold a party for her. First, we went to a market to buy some presents. We bought snacks and flowers that she likes. Then, we went back home for preparation. We fixed a banner on the wall and finished the housework. I cleaned the windows and washed the clothes. Dad cleaned the floor with a vacuum cleaner.

Fortunately, Mum recovered and went back home three days later. When she arrived home, we said, " welcome back, Mum! " She was surprised and gave us a big hug. Dad cooked mouthwatering dishes for us, then we spent the day relaxing and chit-chatting. My Mum is my favorite person in the world. From then on, I would always remind her to have a balanced diet, have enough exercise and rest, so that she will remain healthy and fall sick less often.



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